Examining the Relationship Between Job Stress and Job Performance: A Research on Chefs


  • Neşe Salik Ata Kafkas Üniversitesi, Atatürk Sağlık Hizmetleri MYO, Kars, Türkiye
  • Erman Kayğın Kafkas Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kars, Türkiye




Job Stress, Job Performance, Cooking


Purpose-The aim of the research is to provide a perspective on how much and in what direction the job stress experienced by cooks affects their job performance. It is also aimed to evaluate the work performance of cooks by determining the stress they experience and their sources of stress. Design/ methodology/ approach - Within the scope of this study based on qualitative research methods, data was obtained through semi-structured interview technique with 12 cooks operating in the city center of Kars. In order to analyze the data obtained within the scope of the research, content analysis was performed and evaluations on the research questions were revealed. Finding- According to the findings, it was determined that the cooks experienced stress due to the workload they experienced, the delay of the assistant staff, the tasteless food, and the customers not liking the food. Despite the stress and physical illnesses experienced, cooks work by increasing their performance without decreasing it in order to keep up with the work. It is seen that cooks work under intense stress in their workplaces, but it has been determined that their job performance continues to be high without being negatively affected by this situation. Discussion- The result of the research was similar to the study Bozöyük conducted in 2019. In the research, most of the chefs stated that the stress factor affects them. In terms of performance, all of the chefs see themselves as sufficient and think that they are successful despite the stress they experience.



How to Cite

Salik Ata, N., & Kayğın, E. (2023). Examining the Relationship Between Job Stress and Job Performance: A Research on Chefs. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 15(4), 2656–2666. https://doi.org/10.20491/isarder.2023.1739


