A Comparison to National and Local Retailers With Respect to Service Quality Dimensions
Anahtar Kelimeler:
SERVQUAL- Retailing- FMCGÖzet
The purpose of the study is to assess the consumers’ perceived service quality levels towards national and local retailers. To reach this aim, four main hypotheses were tested. A questionnaire was formed to collect the data needed to test the hypotheses. The questionnaire was carried out to the 211 consumers who have shopped both from local and national FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) selling retailers. Convenience sampling methods was used in the study, picking voluntary costumers from either kind of retailers. The results indicate that, perceived service quality levels for national and local retailers are significantly different for Physical Aspects and Problem Solving dimensions. The results for Customer Interest and Personal Interaction dimensions were insignificant. Thus, according to the results, two hypotheses of the study were supported while two of them rejected.
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