The Effect of Ethical Leadership Behavior on Perceived Organizational Climate: Mediating Role of Work Loneliness


  • Kemal Eroğluer Bakım Okulu ve Eğitim Merkezi, Balıkesir, Türkiye
  • Özerr Yılmaz Balıkesir Üniversitesi Gönen Meslek Yüksekokulu Gönen, Balıkesir, Türkiye


Ethical Leadership, Organization Climate, Work Loneliness, Partial Least Square Algorithm


In this paper, the effects of ethical leadership behaviors on employees’ perceived organization climate and whether work loneliness plays mediation role in this relationship are researched. A questionnaire has been developed in accordance with study objectives and implemented to 166 employees of a textile company located in Istanbul. Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega analysis were used to examine the reliability of obtained data and it was seen that the scales are reliable. Structural Equation Modeling (Partial Least Square Method) and Sobel tests were used to test the hypothesis. As a result of analysis, it has been seen that ethical leadership has positive and significant effect on employees’ perceived organizational climate and work loneliness plays a partial mediation role in this relationship



How to Cite

Eroğluer, K., & Yılmaz, Özer. (2021). The Effect of Ethical Leadership Behavior on Perceived Organizational Climate: Mediating Role of Work Loneliness. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 7(1), 280–308. Retrieved from


