(Coronavirus Effect on Brands: Social Distance Logos)


  • Merve Gençyürek Erdoğan Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, Polatlı Sosyal Bilimler MYO, Ankara, Türkiye
  • Volkan Yavuz Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, Polatlı Sosyal Bilimler MYO, Ankara, Türkiye


Coronavirus, Social distance, Logotype


Purpose – Logos, which are significant factors for brand loyalty and brand preference, are quite effective in the course of conveying the message requested between consumers and brands. Brand logos are symbols that are imprinted on the consumers’ mind, represent and remind the brand, and reflect the brand value. The purpose of the study is that the changes of brand logos of global companies are analyzed in the scope of ‘’social distance’’ applications after Covid-19 pandemic, which exercises influence over the whole world. Design/methodology/approach – The study is carried out with the method of semiology that is an approcah to analyze both linguistic and non-linguistic indicators. Semiology is a research method that is used to work out the relationships of items within the texts with external world for itself and a structure forming whole. In the scope of study, new logos with ‘’social distance’’ –themed, which the brands update, have been analyzed with the method of semiology. Findings – According to research results, it has been determined that the global companies began some studies to take notice of importance of ‘’social distance’’ by updating their logos. Among the brands, which publish the new logo with ‘’social distance’’ – themed by using ‘’spacing’’ that is one of the basic design items in their logos; Volkswagen, Audi, Hyundai, McDonalds and CocaCola have been analyzed in the scope of the research. The companies showed their awareness with their new logo related to pandemic period and their supports for ‘’social distance’’ applications. Also, the brands created the positive image on the minds of the consumers by managing the process as a part of brand strategies. Discussion – As a result of the study, it is considered that it is useful to update the notion of ‘’social distance’’ with the new contents in the literature after Covid-19. In today’s conditions, ‘’social ditance’’ is not a choice, but necessity. It is predicted that brands’ new logo updates with ‘’social distance’’ – themed can be effective for increasing the brand values.



How to Cite

Gençyürek Erdoğan, M., & Yavuz, V. (2021). (Coronavirus Effect on Brands: Social Distance Logos). Journal of Business Research - Turk, 12(3), 2501–2514. Retrieved from https://isarder.org/index.php/isarder/article/view/1162


