Performance Appraisal at Four and Five Star Hotels: Ankara Case


  • Yalçın Arslantürk Gazi Üniversitesi


performance appraisal, hospitality establishments, 4 – 5 star hotels, tourism


Nowadays, tourism establishments developing human resources and motivatingwill make it easier to reach their goals and those who cannot mange to do this will beobsolete in the ever-changing nature of the tourism business. The most important feature of the tourism sector is that it is based on human element and it s laborintensive.Hence, human element is of great importance. This being the case, thecustomer satisfaction in accommodation establishments will be greatly dependent onthe success of the personnel. Performance appraisal in this regard is a tool used tomeasure the performance of the employees in establishing job satisfaction andenhancing success. Performance appraisal indicates the performance of the individualsand gives insights as to what should be done to improve the performance. As well aspromoting the communication between the employees and the establishment. From theperspectives of the managers, it paves the way for an efficient information flow aboutthe performance of the personnel and makes job planning more rationally. This studyfirst examines performance and performance appraisal. Then, through a field study,deficiencies in the application of performance appraisal were determined in the fourand five star hotel establishments. According to the results obtained, some suggestionswere put forward.



How to Cite

Arslantürk, Y. (2021). Performance Appraisal at Four and Five Star Hotels: Ankara Case. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 1(2), 19–34. Retrieved from


