“Angel Investors” in Entrepreneurship: An Assessment on Turkey Model


  • Hidayet Tiftik Turgut Özal University, Etlik - Keçiören / Ankara, Turkey
  • Mustafa Zincirkıran Dicle University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Diyarbakır, Turkey


Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, venture capital, angel investment, angel entrepreneurship, business angels


Since the subject of angel investors is a new concept for the researches of our country there is little if any in Turkey regarding of scientific research. As well as any quantitative research not exist on the field, the searches carried out are discussed as qualitative and literature study. The concept is ranked among the titles such as business angels, angel capital, angel investment, angel financing in the international literature. The search involves the entrepreneurship concept, the study results hereof in our country, the literature about angel investment and the studies carried out in other countries regarding of the subject matter. In consequences of the searches, the subject discussed from a different point of view and headed by the literature offers a number of suggestions and advices to entrepreneurships, the whole parts modeled by angel investment and researches.



How to Cite

Tiftik, H., & Zincirkıran, M. (2021). “Angel Investors” in Entrepreneurship: An Assessment on Turkey Model. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 6(1), 42–57. Retrieved from https://isarder.org/index.php/isarder/article/view/155


