The Relationship Between Strategic Decision-Making and Leadership Styles: An Application in 4 and 5-Star Hotels in Istanbul


  • Sedat Çelik Sırnak University School of Tourism and Hotel Management Şırnak, Turkey
  • Arif Güngör Düzce University Akçakoca School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Düzce, Turkey
  • Emrah Özkul Kocaeli University School of Tourism and Hotel Management Kocaeli, Turkey
  • Pelin Fatma Tuna Private Education Institution TUREM İstanbul, Turkey


Leadership styles/theories, Strategy, Strategic decision making, Hotel management, Tourism


The aim of this study is to define the relationship between leadership styles and strategic decision-making in hotel businesses. Datas are obtained by using questionnaire technique. The questionnaire is applied to general managers or executives who are effective in making decisions in hotel businesses. This study comprises four and five star hotel businesses that have tourism establishment certificates. Since the number of population used is not excrescence in the research, complete enumeration sampling method is used and data is obtained from 87 hotel businesses. Results reveal that four and five star hotel businesses in Istanbul have executives showing transformational leadership, paternalistic leadership, autocratic leadership and charismatic leadership styles. Leaders who have these leadership styles make strategic decisions aimed at innovation and change basic business strategies, intervene in conflict and risk taking. The existence of meaningful relavence among leadership styles with strategic decisionmaking is determined.



How to Cite

Çelik, S., Güngör, A., Özkul, E., & Tuna, P. F. (2021). The Relationship Between Strategic Decision-Making and Leadership Styles: An Application in 4 and 5-Star Hotels in Istanbul. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 8(1), 240–264. Retrieved from


