Accounting Practices of Operational Leasing Enterprises within the Scope of Turkish Tax Legislation


  • Fatih Şentürk Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Turizm İşletmeciliği ve Otelcilik YO Turizm İşletmeciliği Bölümü Bolu, Türkiye


Leasing, Operating Lease, Accounting Practices


It has been a recent trend among corporations or businesses to practice leasing option as opposed to purchasing options in carrying out their operational activities due to the scarcity in financial resources. Purchasing some economic assets has become more expensive as reported by businesses exercizing leasing operation. In doing this, businesses are able to better use their capital as a corporate resource in other core business activities. The literature lacks research on operational lease accounting entries. This work aims at closing the gap and provides helpful information and guide to both academicians and practitioners. A comprehensive case is introduced in order to shed light on issues related to accounting records related to operational leasing, considering relevant legislation and tax law references.



How to Cite

Şentürk, F. (2021). Accounting Practices of Operational Leasing Enterprises within the Scope of Turkish Tax Legislation. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 8(1), 619–639. Retrieved from


