(A Strategic Investigation of the Vision Notifications of Companies: A Content Analysis For The Companies In The BIST Sustainability Index)


  • Safa Acar Kurtalan Yüksekokulu, Siirt Üniversitesi, Kurtalan, Siirt, Türkiye


Vision, BIST Sustainability Index, Strategic Management


Purpose – The aim of the study is to determine whether the vision notification concept is applied in accordance with the purpose of the vision notification concept. The main question of the study is expressed as “content how many enterprises have the values that should be included in the vision statement within the vision statements?” Design/methodology/approach – In the BIST Sustainability Index, the content of the 50 companies included in the 2018 Sustainability Index on their own web sites were analyzed through a content analysis. Results – In the analyzes, it was seen that the number of enterprises which have at least 4 of the 7 items taken as the benchmarking criteria is 40 and that all 50 firms have a vision statement. This number shows that businesses attach importance to vision. Discussion – Businesses should use their strategic management values in order to turn away from their competitive environment and turn into a long-lasting structure. The vision statement contained within these values is of great importance as a future-oriented value. It is seen that most of the companies analyzed in the study attach great importance to vision.



How to Cite

Acar, S. (2021). (A Strategic Investigation of the Vision Notifications of Companies: A Content Analysis For The Companies In The BIST Sustainability Index). Journal of Business Research - Turk, 11(1), 202–215. Retrieved from https://isarder.org/index.php/isarder/article/view/752


