The Views Of Academic Staffs on The Principle of “Leadership of Top Management” of Total Quality In Higer Education


  • Hüseyin Alkış Karabük Üniversitesi


Higer Education, TQM, TKY, Leadership of the Top Management


The importance of the application of quality concept is increasing in education sector like other competitive sectors. Because of universities are the central of science and development. The importance of the application of the quality concept is increasing much more than other sectors. The aim of this study is to search opinions of academic staffs about application of leadership of top management which is one of the four basic rules of the total quality management. In this scope, this study was prepared to investigate the application of the principle of leadership of the top management of total quality management in a university in Ankara. According to the result of study the significant differences were found between the views of academic staffs.



How to Cite

Alkış, H. (2021). The Views Of Academic Staffs on The Principle of “Leadership of Top Management” of Total Quality In Higer Education. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 1(1), 85–98. Retrieved from


