Role Overload: A Theoretical Evaluation in the Context of Cause- Effect


  • Günay Erol Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi ÜSET Meslek Yüksekokulu Nevşehir, Türkiye
  • Yasin Boylu Gazi Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Ankara, Türkiye


Role overload, work-family life, role conflict


The aim of this study is to review the concept of role overload and determine its extent, and to mention the reasons and results of role overload on the effects of individuals at work and out of work life. Viewed as lack of time in the face of excessive role demands, role overload is a factor that has important impacts on occupational life as well as life out of work life. Work-related roles and other roles bring out role overload with time constraints and this situation may cause negative impacts on the business, family and personal lives of especially employed individuals. For this reason, it is viewed as a significant topic both individually and organizationally to make role overload clear and to take measures against it. In this study, some suggestions have also been made to individuals and organizations based on role overload.



How to Cite

Erol, G., & Boylu, Y. (2021). Role Overload: A Theoretical Evaluation in the Context of Cause- Effect. Journal of Business Research - Turk, 8(3), 154–169. Retrieved from


