Correlation Between Flexible Working and Organizational Commitment: An Application On Health Professionals
Flexibleworking, Organizational commitmentAbstract
Today’s businesses have developped different strategies to get them maximum efficiency their working. One of them is the flebxible working. In this study, the personnel working in the Health sector, The correlation between these two structures with Flexible working models perspectives and commitment to the organization was investigated. Araştırma anket yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.The research has been conducted by survey method. Questionnaire consists of three sections. In the first part, demographic variables of the participantsare determined. In these condand the third sections, the questions about the concepts of flexibleworking and Organizational Commitment are asked, respectively. The qustions about Organizational Commitment have been prepare dusing the scale of Organizational dedication developed by Allen and Meyer in 1991. The survey was distributed to 228 employees working in Health sector. The survey results were entered and runusing the software package of SPSS 22.0. The study, a meaningful weak and positive directed correlation between Flexible working and Organizational commitment has been obtained.
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