(Effects of IFRS 16 Leases Standard on Financial Statements of Lessee: An Analysis on Selected Airline Companies)


  • Soner Gökten Başkent Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, İşletme Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye
  • Gül Arslan Kurnaz Yeminli Mali Müşavir, Bağımsız Denetçi


Financial Statement, Lease, IFRS 16, International Financial


Purpose – The aim of this study is to examine the effect of IFRS 16, which started to be applied instead of IAS 17 in the accounting and reporting of lease transactions, on the financial statements, ratios and indicators of the lessee. Financial reports of the airline companies that have a high volume of operational leases have been used in this paper. Design/methodology/approach – Analytical comparison and ratio analysis methods were adopted in the study. In the first step, 17 different effects are identified which are expected to have an impact on lessee's financial statements, ratios and indicators because of IFRS 16. Then the financial reports of Turkish Airlines, Pegasus Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines and Scandinavian Airlines which were published in compliance with IFRS 16 were examined in order to see whether the expectations are met or not. Findings – The results reveal that almost all of the expected effects occur. Findings which are contrary to expectations are not mainly due to IFRS 16. Discussion – The findings show that IFRS 16 creates changes in the capital and profit structures of enterprises. When other factors remain constant IFRS 16 will cause higher market value/book value ratios for businesses in high volume operating leases. In addition, IFRS 16 increases both short and long term financial risks of lessee enterprises and cause asset efficiency to appear low.



How to Cite

Gökten, S., & Arslan Kurnaz, G. (2021). (Effects of IFRS 16 Leases Standard on Financial Statements of Lessee: An Analysis on Selected Airline Companies). Journal of Business Research - Turk, 12(2), 1848–1860. Retrieved from https://isarder.org/index.php/isarder/article/view/1119


